Last weeks attendance was 96.5%

Work Gallery

PSHE - Trip to Morrisons
We had a super morning as part of our English and PSHE lessons. We have been learning about eating a healthy diet. In English we wrote our own shopping list for a fruit salad. We then visited Morrisons, found the items on our shopping list, served ourselves at the children's checkout and even paid for our own food. We then prepared and made a delicious fruit salad. We really enjoyed trying lots of different fruits!

Community Library

We loved visiting our school community library and choosing a book to read at home. I wonder what we will choose next time!


In our English lesson we reread the story, The Slide and thought about what each person might be thinking and feeling. We then used our own playground equipment to roleplay the story and predict what might happen next in the story.

We loved cooking and eating our own pancakes, they were delicious! We are going to write sentences to explain how we made them.
In our PSHEE lessons we have been learning about the different emotions we might feel. We used role play to act our different scenarios and thought about how it would make that person feel. We then cam up with ideas of how to resolve those issues.
Christmas Crafts
We really enjoyed our parents coming into school to help us make and decorate some Christmas crafts. We even had cakes and biscuits too!
Harvest Day
We had a super day learning all about the harvest festival. We created our own autumnal wreaths to decorate our homes with and we got to dress up in autumnal colours.