School is closed for the February Half Term Holidays. School reopens on Monday 24th February. Have a lovely break!

Ethos and Values

Swain House Primary
Ethos and Values

Aspire, Believe, Persevere, Achieve
Aspire - To set the goals that we want to achieve
Believe - To have the self-confidence to know we can achieve our goals
Persevere - To keep working towards our goals and not give up, even when things are difficult.
Achieve - To reach our goals

At Swain House Primary School we are committed to providing a respectful, diverse, inclusive and safe environment for all of our pupils to learn and thrive. The focus in our school is on ensuring that all pupils have high aspirations for themselves and that we teach and support them to be able to persevere to achieve their goals. Our Swain House centric curriculum is personalised, celebrates diversity and offers a wide range of opportunities to broaden pupils’ experiences and equip them with the skills and attitudes they need to be successful, happy, resilient and confident learners who make the right decisions for themselves.


  • Staff and pupils have high expectations of learning and behaviour
  • Pupils have good relationships and are respectful towards each other and value diversity
  • Swain House is a fully inclusive school, removing barriers to learning
  • Our Swain House centric curriculum creates memorable and meaningful experiences
  • Staff, parents and Governors work in partnership to ensure that every child thrives and achieves their goals
  • Pupils have the knowledge, skills, attitudes and cultural capital they need, so they are ready for the next stage of their education and life