School is closed for the February Half Term Holidays. School reopens on Monday 24th February. Have a lovely break!


“Music is powerful. As people listen to it, they can be affected. They respond.” Ray Charles

At Swain House Primary School, we believe that the Music curriculum should;

  • Be broad and balanced
  • Be progressive throughout the whole school
  • Engage, inspire and motivate all children to be life-long learners and appreciators of music from different eras and cultures
  • Be inclusive
  • Enable children to develop and use musical skills and knowledge that will be invaluable in their future life
  • Contribute to personal development in creativity, independence and resilience whilst allowing children to develop a growth mindset
  • Encourage children to listen to, compose, perform, review and evaluate music across a wide range of historical periods and genres


To ensure high standards of teaching and learning in Music, we implement a curriculum which;

  • Equips children with knowledge and skills to experiment, express and create
  • Follows the interests of the children
  • Develops skills and allows children to practise and showcase these skills through school concerts, assemblies, music theme days and drama productions
  • Is memorable and enjoyable for the children
  • Includes the use of visits/ visitors
  • Ensures children sing, listen, play, perform and evaluate through structured music programmes, weekly singing lessons and assemblies
  • Gives the opportunity for children to learn to play a musical instrument, taught by specialist music teachers
  • Gives access to a range of high quality percussion and tuned instruments

At Swain House Primary School, we will measure the impact of our Music Curriculum through the use of;

  • Formative assessment
  • The school website, where photographs or videos of learning can be uploaded
  • Images/ videos
  • Pupil interviews
  • End of theme quizzes
  • Photostories and plasma
  • Curriculum books
  • Monitoring ‘Floor Books’
                    Our Music Lessons
Nursery have really enjoyed our Laulau Song Drawing sessions this term. We have had lots of fun singing, drawing and making different movements with our bodies!

Year 1 have been singing the song ‘Rhythm in the way we walk’ during their music lessons. Year 1 learnt about different parts of their body and it helped them understand where rhythm is. They were able to make a rhythm using their hands and feet.

This half term, Year2  have leant the song: Hands, Feet, Heart. They have talked about the pulse of the music and enjoyed copying the rhythm and clapping it and singing it back. They have also played the glockenspiels, learning how to play notes, C, G and A.