School is closed for the February Half Term Holidays. School reopens on Monday 24th February. Have a lovely break!


Computing - Building our own websites.
In our computing unit, we learnt all about our websites and web pages. First, we evaluated web pages and then we looked at the success criteria to be a good web designer. Then, we planned and designed our own web pages based upon our consumer research.
Outdoor Learning
As part of our learning, we went out into the wildlife area and investigated to find clues linked to our class novels.We then predicted what we found back in the classroom discussions.
Music - Glockenspiels
During Autumn term, we have been practising and rehearsing our glockenspiel skills. We listened to the pop song 'Happy' and also played different genres, including: jazz, rock and soul.
Art - Macro photography
In our lessons this half-term, we have been learning all about photography and the use of macro photography for the creation of abstract art. We have used our photographing skills and our editing skills to create our own images using fruit and our wildlife area.
PE- Frisbee
During Autumn 1, we have been learning how to play the sport of Frisbee. We practised the different throwing and catching techniques and then applied skills during game situations. At the end of the half-term, we competed in a tournament at Woodhouse Grove and we came 3rd.
Art - Class Namesake
For our learning on our class namesake, we drew portraits of Ludwig Van Beethoven.