
Photo Gallery 2024-2025

In English today, we read the setting description at the start of our new English book, The Storm. We went on a mysterious walk through the wildlife area. We imagined that we were Annie, the main character walking along the marsh near her home. We took a lamp to light the way and really tried to imagine how Annie must have felt, walking alone in the misty weather. When we returned to the classroom, a mystery bag had appeared with some interesting objects inside!
Special visit from Maria Glot
On Tuesday morning Roald Dahl class and Anne Fine Class had a special visit from a local historian, Maria Glot. She told us all about Bradford and the building of Saltaire during the Industrial Revolution. We learnt lots of interesting information. We were also given bookmarks telling us about a person who lived and worked in Saltaire in those times, where they lived and what job they did. We used these during our trip to Saltaire in the afternoon.
We loved our first visit to our library. We enjoyed sharing books with our friends and choosing one to take home. 
Our Spring 1 myHappymind module is Appreciate
We are developing our attitude of gratitude and talking about what we are grateful for. We have enjoyed spinning the 'Wheel of Gratitude' and talking about why we are grateful for ourselves, others and our experiences.   
House Point Teams
During our first week in Year 3 we enjoyed learning about the people are House Point Teams are named after. 
In science this half term we are learning about rocks
We enjoyed a rock hunt in the school grounds. We took some rocks back to class and categorised them in different ways.