School is closed for the February Half Term Holidays. School reopens on Monday 24th February. Have a lovely break!



• To order numbers 1 - 10
• To count up to 10 from any number
• To count forwards from 1 – 20
• To count back from 20 - 1

Things you can do at home to help

Encourage your child to count forwards and backwards every time they go up or down the stairs.
You could play games together where you count objects around the home. This could be counting toys, cutlery as you put them on the table, teddies, small figures and anything else your child is interested in.
You could play ‘count down’ games (from 20 to 0) when tidying up or getting ready to go somewhere. The children love this game and will get very excited to finish/get ready in the time given.
You could play a game where you hide numbers around the house, when your child finds a number get them to count from that number up to 10. Simply cut a piece of paper into 4 and get your child to write a number on each or you could get them to count to 20 while you write the numbers.
Links to games that will help