School is closed for the February Half Term Holidays. School reopens on Monday 24th February. Have a lovely break!


Swain House Primary School is a community Primary School and follows the Bradford Council Coordinated Admissions Scheme for admissions. This document is updated and re-issued each year. Please see the policies section on the school website for the current document or contact City Bradford MDC Admissions on 01274 439200

Useful websites relating to Admissions

Useful websites relating to 2 Year Old Education

Useful websites relating to 3 Year Old Education

30 Hours free childcare -

Swain House Primary School is responsible for admissions to Little Acorns and Great Oak Nursery. The Admissions Policy is available to view on the school website in the policies section or you can obtain a copy at the school office.

Please contact the school office on 01274 639049 to put your child’s name down for Little Acorns and Great Oak Nursery.

Visits to look around school are positively welcomed. Please contact Julie Darke in the school office to arrange an appointment