School is closed for the February Half Term Holidays. School reopens on Monday 24th February. Have a lovely break!

Class Information

We are Roald Dahl Class, Year 3. Our teachers are Mrs Gawthorpe and Miss Broomfield. Our teaching assistant is Mrs Patchett and Miss Romani.

Our classroom is full of exciting things linked to Roald Dahl's characters. Our group names are Brilliant BFGs, Perfect Peaches, Fantastic Foxes, Clever Crocodiles and Marvellous Matildas.

We should read at home every week and must get an adult to sign our reading journals when we have done some reading. Please encourage us to read our Reading Planet books at home so we can complete as many of them as we can! We can practise our times tables on TT Rockstars, look out for class battles! Please practise your spellings every week.

We have PE on a Wednesday and need to make sure we wear our PE kit for this. We should bring a water bottle to school every day.